Sunday, November 8, 2009

Psalm 46

God is my strength and my refuge,
My present help within the deluge.

When the mountains are thrown beneath the sea,
It is only you who rescues me.

As I'm cleansed by Your river's stream,
My heart is filled with utmost peace.
And should your kingdom be attacked by darkness,
You'll expose Your enemies in utter starkness.

You melt the earth by just Your voice,
And I want You, I've made my choice.

For He is my strength and refuge,
My present help within the deluge.

Behold! The works of the Lord!
He makes desolation
destroys the sword!

So I will stop-
and know His Name:
The God exalted beyond all fame.

For He is my strength and refuge,
My present help within the deluge.

Written 8/09


Madeleine Wilbur said...

Literally my favorite psalm in the world. You have serious poetry talent.