Sunday, November 8, 2009


This one's a bit personal, if not over dramatic, but I really like it, so I'll post it. What's poetry if it's not personal? I wrote it pertaining to a break-up I had more than 7 months before I wrote it. Life's funny like that.

You were mine,
I was yours.
We left it all
For different shores.
I think you thought
You'd have me back,
But I've been put
on a different track.
But finally, you've moved on.
After finding, yes, I'm gone.
But now I'm curious just what you'd say,
should we meet along the way.
I cannot lie, at times I've missed you,
I remembered all the times I'd kissed you.
Now I hope he's nice,
hope he loves our Lord,
For something else you could not afford.
And perhaps now we'll never talk.
Never again shall our eyes lock.
But I'll cherish that last look in your eyes
As we held each other for those last goodbyes.
And now my eyes, they look to God,
For I cannot keep you in my thoughts.
We'll soon forget about you and me,
And you'll be one more memory.

Written 7/30/09


Madeleine Wilbur said...

Oh wow. That's amazing. Its dramatic like a girl poem. That's probably why I like it.

_trev said...

um thanks? haha